Acupuncture is available subject to location and acupuncture regulations in each Country. It should be noted treatments on yachts and private jets will normally be restricted to acupressure due to safety considerations and turbulent conditions etc. In France and Monaco Acupressure techniques are used in the place of acupuncture due to local regulations on the practice of work involving needles. For international call outs please check with Sean for availability of acupuncture subject to local regulations.
Sean uses the Traditional Chinese Medecine (TCM) methods encompassing the 5 elements and meridian line systems . He graduated with Distinction in TCM and Chinese acupuncture from the renowned Bodyharmonics school in Cheltenham 2013 where he learned from the World famous teacher Maria Mercati. Similar to his application of massage Sean combines techniques from many acupuncture teachings and places a huge emphasis on the Chinese microsystems.
In addition he places a high emphasis on Master Tung techniques and has studied this system at an advanced level. Master Tung Ching Chang has been referred to as the greatest acupuncture technician who ever lived.He was a scholar of the I-Ching, and a traditional Chinese physician from the Shandong Province in Northern China, famous for the miraculous and spontaneous results he would obtain using just a few needles. The acupuncture points he used are unique in that they are located opposite the affected area. In most cases, the patient notices the effect immediately upon insertion of the needle.
Some of the techniques Sean applies in his acupuncture treatments include:
✔ Traditional Chinese Medicine .
✔ Electroacupuncture .
✔ Auricular Acupunture .
✔ Wrist and ankle acupuncture .
✔ Scalp acupuncture .
✔ Advanced Master Tung techniques .
Acupuncture can help with:
Migraines, psoriasis, addictions, asthma, arthritis, back pain, IBS, anxiety, fertility, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, facial rejuvenation, immune system, insomnia, RSI, planta fasciitis, tennis elbow, gout, energy, golfers elbow, digestion, constipation, quit smoking, pain, worry, womens healthcare, depression.
• Are you experiencing infertility ?
• Suffering Neck and Back pain ?
• Experiencing recurring headaches and migraines ?
• Stress, anxiety and insomnia ?
• Would you like to experience facial rejuvenation ?
Acupuncture works by boosting the bodys natural ability to heal itself. This is achieved by placing fine needles into acupoints along meridians in the body in order to increase blood circulation and affect the central nervous system producing endorphins.
“There is evidence that acupuncture influences the production of and distribution of a great many neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, and that this in turn alters the perception of pain.”
-David Eisenberg,M.D.,Clinical Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School.
Acupuncture for Pain:
Pain or musculoskeletal complaints account for seven of the top ten conditions for which individuals use acupuncture. If you are suffering with pain Sean decides on a strategy to enhance endorphin release. Using the microsystems for scalp, auricular and wrist and ankle techniques he uses acupuncture to enhance blood flow and energy to restricted tissues. Combining methods in acupuncture and massage ensures the patient will experience improvements to energy flow and structure. Sean tries to figure out the cause of pain and part of his treatment is always geared towards making sure the pain does not return on a recurring basis. He spots the bad habits patients display in terms of posture and overuse and assists the patient in finding new and more efficient ways to use their body.
Some of the common types of pain Sean will treat with acupuncture include:
1.back and neck pain.
3.Frozen Shoulder
4.Tennis elbow
5.Golfers elbow
6. Migraine
7. Repetitive strain
8.Plantar fasciitis
9. Knee pain
10. Achilles pain